The Strange Saga of the Supernatural Siblings – Chapter 1

Three siblings with superpowers are sent to a special school for kids like them, only to uncover shocking secrets that compel them to make a daring escape.

Dear reader, I regret to inform you that if you prefer stories where children enjoy calm days and nothing out of the ordinary happens, you may find yourself disappointed in this tale. If you think this is going to be a story about normal everyday life, you’re wrong. You are about to read a book of a world unlike our own, where ordinary things hide crazy secrets. Meet Braun, Zennia, and Pixie, three siblings about to discover that their life is not what it seems. Although they were very special, with abilities far beyond those of regular children, they were not prepared for what awaited them. So join these 3 sibilings, if you dare, into the strange. 

In a normal neighborhood with neat homes and nice lawns, the Starlore children were having a day just like any other. They lived in a comfy, one-story house with a garden full of bright flowers. Today, their backyard was filled with the smell of barbecue and the sound of laughter as the family gathered around the grill. It was a simple but special weekend tradition that brought everyone together to enjoy the sunny weather. But this beautiful day was about to turn into something very weird. In stories like this one, happy moments of laughing children often come just before something much less happy happens.

Braun, the oldest of the three siblings at thirteen, showed off his skills at the grill. As his mom watched, he snapped his fingers and flames shot out of his hand, perfectly cooking the meat without a match. His mom handed him the spices, smiling as he controlled the heat, turning grilling into an exciting show. His power, was pyrokinesis, meant he could create and control fire, which was perfect for a barbecue. He enjoyed using his powers to get the grill just right, making the flavors delicious. Braun loved cooking, and his ability to make fire helped him a lot with it.

Zennia, twelve years old and the middle sibling, was also busy at the barbecue. With a simple wave of her hand, a long stick and colorful cover moved across the yard, turning into an umbrella that shaded the picnic table. Her father, with a proud smile, handed her a stack of plates and utensils. With a glance, she set them floating perfectly on the table. Zennia’s power was telekinesis—the ability to move things with her mind. She loved using her powers to make sure everything was right for the family meal. Building was her favorite activity whether it was with her hands or mind, and her power made her incredibly good at it. 

Pixie, the youngest at five, zoomed around the yard faster than a race car. Her laughter rang out as she darted from one spot to another, collecting fallen leaves and small twigs within a few seconds. Her mother watched, amused and a little bit confused, as Pixie arranged her findings into a colorful pattern on the ground. Pixie’s power was super speed, which let her move so fast she was almost a blur. She loved using her speed to play and explore, turning everything into a game. Finding and collecting were her favorite activities, and her power made these simple joys thrilling.

As the cheerful music played from the radio, the Starlore family sat around the table ready to enjoy delicious grilled food of burgers and corn on the cob.

“Best burgers in town, right here!” Dad announced proudly, waving a spatula like a magic wand.

Mom laughed, passing around a bowl of crispy salad. 

“Don’t forget the secret sauce, hon. It’s what makes them special.”

The Starlore siblings were all set to eat, smiling as they held their utensils, when the doorbell rang sharply, cutting through the music. Now, the music seemed very quiet, almost like it was far away, because of this surprising noise.

The parents looked at each other, their eyes showing a little worry. Dad’s forehead wrinkled up, which was strange because their weekends were usually stress-free.

“Stay here,” he said quietly but firmly.

Mom’s smile disappeared, and she looked nervous as she quickly followed Dad to the door. The parents moved fast, their steps sounding loud in the suddenly quiet house. And so, as their parents quickly left, the children found themselves facing the unknown. The kids sat still, their excitement turning into quiet curiosity. With their forks hanging in the air, they were equally eager for their next bite and for answers to what was happening.

After the doorbell rang, everything became very quiet. Even the sound of the music seemed really loud, and the gentle breeze that moved the napkins felt chilly. The children looked at each other, feeling the change from their happy laughter to this strange silence. It was so quiet that they felt they should be watching for something very important, something not supposed to happen. 

Braun’s eyebrows raised as he considered the possibilities. 

“Maybe it’s something about school,” he suggested, trying to sound reassuring, though his voice carried a hint of doubt.

Zennia shook her head slightly. 

“No, it looked more serious than that. Did you see how quickly they went to the door? It’s not like them to be so… hurried. Besides, it’s Sunday.”

Pixie added happily, 

“Maybe they won a prize! Like a big, giant cake!” 

Her eyes sparkled at the thought, her imagination running wild with the joy of unexpected treats.

Zennia smiled gently at her younger sister, her voice soft as she explained, 

“I wish that were true, Pixie, but I think it’s something else. Remember, it’s not often we get visitors who make Mom and Dad look so worried.”

Braun nodded, his face set in a thoughtful frown. 

“Zennia’s right.”

If this were a tale of simple days and predictable nights, perhaps Pixie’s delightful theory of a giant cake might have been true. And perhaps the biggest problem that might have happened to the Starlore kids could have been figuring out who gets the biggest piece of cake. But, as those familiar with tales of unexpected twists might already suspect, the ringing of the doorbell was the beginning of something much sinister. 

The door swung open to reveal a man in a neat grey suit, the look on his face as plain as his attire. His expression was hard to read, like a puzzle missing too many pieces.

“Good evening, my name is Mr. Grayson,” he greeted, his voice smooth but carrying a sense of seriousness that seemed out of place in the warm, family setting of the Starlore home. “I’m here from Genesis Haven, the school you children are expected to join immediately.”

The parents exchanged a look of confusion and concern, their earlier unease now blowing up into outright worry. Their glances towards the children were apologetic, filled with a sadness that spoke volumes of the sudden change about to befall their family.

Braun stepped forward. 

“School? We already go to a school,” he asserted, his tone skeptical. 

Mr. Grayson adjusted his glasses, a gesture of composure. 

“Your current school, while excellent, isn’t equipped to handle special talents like yours,” he explained. 

Zennia’s eyes were wide, a spark of intrigue behind her gaze.

 “What kind of school?” she inquired, her voice a mix of curiosity and caution.

“Genesis Haven is specially designed for children who need to understand and manage abilities that the ordinary world can’t accommodate.”

Pixie, clutching a handful of colorful leaves she’d collected, looked from her siblings to Mr. Grayson, her youthful face booming with excitement. 

“Is the school made of candy?” she asked, her imagination running wild. 

Mr. Grayson offered a small, barely noticeable smile, the first crack in his professional attitude. 

“Not quite, Pixie,” he replied gently. “But it’s a place where children like you can learn to use their powers. Think of it as an adventure.”

The parents knelt beside their children, their hands comforting on small shoulders. 

“You’ll need to go with Mr. Grayson now,” Mom said, her voice choked with emotion she tried to hide. “They have everything you’ll need.”

“But what if I don’t want to go?” Pixie shouted, her lower lip trembling.

Dad squeezed her hand gently. 

“It’s a special place for special kids like you. It’s going to be fun.” 

Zennia, frowning slightly, looked up. 

“Can we still talk to you? Like, can we call whenever we want?” she asked, his voice filled with concern. 

Mr. Grayson exchanged a quick glance with the parents before responding. 

“Of course, communication will be possible. Once you’re settled in, we’ll make sure you can stay in touch with your parents.”

Braun crossed his arms, looking unsure. 

“And what if we want to come back home?” he asked, his voice a little defiant but also unsure.

Mr. Grayson paused and looked at Braun carefully before answering.

“We encourage all our students to give it some time. It’s a big change, but we’re confident you’ll find your place there.”

Dad stepped up and put a comforting hand on Braun’s shoulder.

“We’ve discussed this, and we truly believe it’s a great opportunity for all of you. Trust us, and give it a chance.”

Braun looked worried, 

“Why didn’t you tell us about this before?” His voice sounded a little upset.

Zennia added, 

“Yeah, we should have known sooner.”

Mom sighed and looked at Dad. 

“We wanted to tell you earlier,” she explained, “but things moved very quickly, and we decided to wait until we were sure.”

“We just want what’s best for you three,” Dad said. 

Mr. Grayson nodded, his quick reply meant to be reassuring. “We need to go soon.”

With sad faces but no bags to carry, the siblings hugged their parents tightly, trying to remember everything about this last moment at home. Then, led by Mr. Grayson, they walked out into the cool evening, leaving their home to start a new, mysterious chapter of their lives.

The door shut quietly behind them, the sound marking the end of their normal life. As they headed to the shiny car waiting for them, each child looked back, their faces showing a mix of bravery, fear, and wonder—the kind of look only kids stepping into the unknown have.

End of chapter.

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