New Anime on Netflix in January 2024

Netflix is setting the stage for an exhilarating start to 2024 with a diverse array of anime releases scheduled for January. This line-up is not just a treat for anime enthusiasts but also marks a significant shift in Netflix’s approach to anime distribution. Traditionally, anime series on Netflix were released a few months after their initial airing in Japan, but now, some of the most anticipated projects are being streamed worldwide simultaneously.

January 3rd: Classroom of the Elite Season 3

The third season of this psychological thriller promises to conclude the First Year Arc with new twists and complex character development.

January 3rd: Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki Season 2

Overlooked in its first season, this series returns to follow the life of pro gamer Tomozaki Fumiya as he navigates real-world challenges.

January 4th: Delicious in Dungeon

This series offers a unique blend of adventure and culinary exploration, available for simultaneous worldwide streaming.

January 5th: Sasaki and Peeps

A magical story intertwining the ordinary life of a middle-aged man with his extraordinary pet bird from another world.

January 6th: Solo Leveling

Based on a popular Manhwa, this anime is set in a world invaded by monsters, focusing on a protagonist who gains mysterious powers.

January 7th: One Piece (Egghead Island Arc)

The legendary series continues with the Straw Hat Pirates venturing into the Egghead Island Arc.

January 8th: TSUKIMICHI: Moonlit Fantasy Season 2

The second season of this Isekai anime follows Makoto as he faces powerful opponents and gods.

January 10th: Metallic Rouge

An original series by Bones, set in a world where androids coexist with humans, facing a conflict against immortal beings.

January 13th: BUCCHIGIRI?!

A MAPPA original series, featuring a story that leads to a duel and encounters with magical creatures.

January 15th: Maboroshi

A fresh addition to Netflix’s anime lineup, “Maboroshi” promises an intriguing and new narrative.

January 31st: The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse

This sequel continues the epic saga with new adventures following its premiere in Japan.

Netflix’s anime slate for January 2024 is not just a collection of titles but a testament to the growing global appeal of anime. With a mix of adaptations and original series, the platform is ensuring that anime fans have a plethora of genres and stories to start the new year. This move by Netflix demonstrates their commitment to bringing diverse and timely content to a worldwide audience, reinforcing their position as a key player in the distribution of anime outside Japan.